Gluten Free and More

It has been a bit. Lots and lots of changes, growth and loss. All positive. About a year and a half ago my husband and I decided to ‘get healthy’. We endured the idiocy of the year of COVID and masks and fear. Keith worked from home that year. Then the company Keith worked for…

Ulcer from Hades

My son grew an ulcer about 4 years ago. Or better description is he was possessed by an evil demon that has taken up lodging in his duodenum. He invited this demon in with the eating of yummy gluten laden flour tortillas and a few gluten filled McDonalds burgers. He was tempted in  the Gluten-Less…

POTUS To Be, Celiac Is Real

  I dropped a note to Senator Ted Cruz today, on his senate website. I had heard he mentioned NOT supplying gluten free MRE’s to the troops, should they need them. Referring to gluten free MRE’s as being political correctness or social experiments I really don’t think Cruz intended to say the Celiacs of the…

For My Gluten Free Friends

A friend recently had her doctor suggest that she eat gluten free for two weeks. He believes she will feel much better and much of what ails her will dissipate.  He had his wife do the same and he  said it was life changing for her. ( I assume he too is GF)  I  believe it!…

Nothing Wrong with Gluten Freedom

I am sooo tired of hearing the ignorant, weak willed, biased wheat eaters claiming gluten free living is unhealthy and dangerous if you don’t have a gold plated certification from doctors and the supreme court saying you have celiac disease. WHAT do they care? Eat wheat, and die, that is their business!! Why is removing…