Inside Out

There is a strong possibility your epidermis is showing! Those bumps and pimples, and cracked skin and blisters, and itches, that you have endured, and medicated and coated with goo, could all be from the food you eat. It could be as easy as connecting the dots, that sprinkle across your body. Have you seen…

The Deficiency Snowball

I have a vitamin D deficiency. Not surprising. With Celiac absorption of A-D-E K, the fat soluble are an issue, as well as Magnesium, Potassium, B12, and , and , and. I was surprised when I looked up the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Seriously, this malabsorption stuff with gluten intolerance and autoimmune issues is…

Symptoms & Diseases Associated With Vitamin D Deficiency

I recently posted on the need for magnesium, which is essential to using vitamin D. Both are not absorbed, utilized well by any of we with Celiac, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy, stomach surgeries, any who have anything that have any absorption issues, a great deal of people. I started to up my magnesium to start…

You NEED D, Not Wheat!

All of those with gluten intolerance, Celiac, Crohns, Cystic Fibrosis, Giardiasis, Whipple’sdisease, Diphyllobothriasis, Anclyostomiasis, Chronic Pancreatitis, Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.. All of those who have had stomach surgery, removal of stomach, stapling of stomach. All of those who have had any part of their intestines removed for any reason.  All of  those who have had stomach cancer,…

Vitamin D- Another Fat Soluble

Vitamin D is absorbed through the skin from the sun and also through the gut with fat (fat soluble) it is basically a hormone and a vitamin. Vitamin D regulates the absorption of calcium. Calcium is absorbed through the stomach. If the stomach is not absorbing correctly then the D through the stomach is not…