Gluten Free and More

It has been a bit. Lots and lots of changes, growth and loss. All positive. About a year and a half ago my husband and I decided to ‘get healthy’. We endured the idiocy of the year of COVID and masks and fear. Keith worked from home that year. Then the company Keith worked for…

Ulcer from Hades

My son grew an ulcer about 4 years ago. Or better description is he was possessed by an evil demon that has taken up lodging in his duodenum. He invited this demon in with the eating of yummy gluten laden flour tortillas and a few gluten filled McDonalds burgers. He was tempted in  the Gluten-Less…

Gluten Bigots

Why are the people who are too stupid to understand what gluten is and the damages it does, continually confronting those who have the intelligence to remove gluten from our diets?  Why is ‘no gluten’ used as a joke in movies, sitcoms and late night?  No one makes fun of a diabetic taking insulin.  No…

Auto Immune Disease 101

Auto immune disease is so interesting and not as complicated as they sound. We  all have have an immune system. A group of  cells and tissues and organs. Working together. Making saliva, gastric juices,  skin, white blood cells, chemicals,within our bodies. Neutrophils. Eosinophils. Monocytes. Basophils. Lymphocytes. Antibodies.  A special team, protecting all of the body…

Wheat is Hiding

The gluten booger is hidden deep in the caverns of food additives.