Wash Your Hands of Vaccine(s)

It looks as if we may be coming to that new normal the government and media have been speaking of, when we get released from hiding from Covid 19. Trump has given the ok to the governors to give the ok to the people that we can get out, if we are good boys and…

MTHFR the ‘Mother’ of all

Celiac/gluten intolerance may just be the tip of the iceberg. What is lurking underneath, unchecked, undiagnosed, could be why you are still sick and tired even after removing your gluten, could be MTHFR. MTHFR is a gene that has the recipe for the enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. The enzyme, in turn, metabolizes B9/Folate into Methylfolate.  Methylfolate…

POTUS To Be, Celiac Is Real

  I dropped a note to Senator Ted Cruz today, on his senate website. I had heard he mentioned NOT supplying gluten free MRE’s to the troops, should they need them. Referring to gluten free MRE’s as being political correctness or social experiments I really don’t think Cruz intended to say the Celiacs of the…

AND Now H.Pylori.

The helicobacter pylori looks like a jelly fish on it’s up push swim.  This bacteria is called H.Pylori and it infects the gut of just about everyone, eventually. If you got an ulcer there is a 90% chance this nasty dude ate that hole in your stomach. Remember the days when the docs would tell…

For My Gluten Free Friends

A friend recently had her doctor suggest that she eat gluten free for two weeks. He believes she will feel much better and much of what ails her will dissipate.  He had his wife do the same and he  said it was life changing for her. ( I assume he too is GF)  I  believe it!…